Surprise My Teacher
Have a favorite teacher that deserves appreciation? Surprise them! With each candle purchased, you are eligible to enter your favorite teacher in a drawing to win a surprise check sent directly to them. There's only one requirement for teachers receiving checks: use the money however they'd like! We realize not only that teachers are not paid what they are worth, but also many of them use their own money to help their students in the classroom. While we support and admire teachers selflessness, we recognize the importance of giving teachers a gift solely to show them they are valued. This is different than other educator gifts that are meant for teachers to use on classroom supplies. This gift is meant to show teacher appreciation all year long. So teachers, if you want to spend it on your classroom? Great! If you want to use it to help pay a bill this month? Wonderful! If you want to buy yourself a gift? Perfect! This money is for YOU, so you decide how to use it! Please always remember even though we all don't say it enough: THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK IN EDUCATION!